低密度片状模塑复合材料(SMC)是铝、镁和其他金属在许多应用中的一种实用且具有成本效益的替代品,特别是在结构性汽车和A级汽车部件中。多年来,与传统的填料(如碳酸钙、二氧化硅或粘土)配制的SMC相比,3M™ 玻璃微球已经帮助减轻了30%的重量。现在3M玻璃微球可以帮助实现高达40%的减重,并使密度低于1.0g/cc! 现在,3M玻璃微球解决方案适用于所有的SMC轻量化应用,从标准到超轻,为您的应用定制性能和成本的理想平衡。了解更多信息?联系我们,了解我们如何合作来满足您的汽车轻量化目标。
3M 为客户提供从标准到超轻的新一代玻璃微球轻量化选项,让您能够为应用定制性能和成本的最佳平衡。这包括我们新的3M™ 中空玻璃微球S32HS,使生产密度<1.0 g/cc的SMC成为可能。这些先进的低密度添加剂具有 6000 psi 的粉碎强度,在苛刻的加工条件下具有更大的生存能力。由于颗粒尺寸小(平均直径:25微米),它们可用于制造具有A类可涂面表面的超轻量级部件。
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Proin gravida dolor si[Text - R]: Body: Lorem ipsum mm dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cing elit. Aenean euis mod bibendum [Link - O]
Proin gravida dolor si现在,可以生产密度低于1.0g/cc的SMC了!3M玻璃微球 S32HS具有6000psi的压碎强度,在加工条件下具有更强的生存能力。而且由于它们的粒径小(平均直径:25微米),它们可用于制造具有A级可喷涂表面的超轻型SMC部件。
ORLANDO – May 7-11, 2018 – National Plastics Expo, Booth #S27153 – As automotive manufacturers look to improve fuel economy and battery range for electrification, material lightweighting without compromising mechanical integrity is vital. Metals, although lightweight, can come with indirect processing and manufacturing costs and may become even more expensive with the uncertainty surrounding global metal supply. Sheet molded composites (SMCs) are a viable alternative to metals in certain applications, while still achieving the desired physical properties. 3M today introduces Glass Bubbles S32HS to help OEMs achieve up to a 40 percent weight reduction of composite parts, at a density below 1.0 g/cc, while still enabling a class A paintable finish. This innovation makes SMCs an attractive option in automotive design for OEMs.
“With the trend toward electric and high efficiency cars, reducing overall vehicle weight is key to staying competitive,” said Ray Eby, vice president of 3M Automotive Electrification. “A typical automobile has about 660 lbs. of composite parts. With ultra lightweight SMCs enabled by our glass bubbles, OEMs can significantly improve a vehicle’s energy usage, while saving money– one less bump in the road in the race to automotive electrification.”
For many years, 3M has partnered with the automotive industry to enable weight reductions for major automotive manufacturers. By replacing conventional fillers, these hollow glass microspheres can reduce the weight of molded parts without sacrificing strength or aesthetics. For the first time, 3M has been able to break the density barrier, making ultra lightweight SMCs more competitive to steel and aluminum, opening up new possibilities for the material mix in automotive applications.
“Our customers continue to challenge us to lower the density and weight of fiberglass reinforced material systems to support their automotive lightweighting efforts,” said Terrence O’Donovan, vice president, marketing and sales for Core Molding Technologies. “A density of 1.0g/cc or below has long been a goal, while still enabling a Class A finish. Using 3M Glass Bubbles helps enable us to meet our customers’ expectations.”
3M glass bubbles are an established lightweighting technology used in enabling lightweight sealants, injection molded parts and SMCs. 3M continues to be at the forefront of automotive lightweight material innovation with the launch of Glass Bubbles S32HS.