Sustainability is an increasingly important goal for companies all over the world, including 3M. With industry-leading performance and durability, 3M™ Floor Pads can help you meet your sustainability goals. Let’s shed some light on the subject of 3M floor pad durability, biodegradability and sustainability.

  • Durability. The surest form of sustainability.
    Durability: The surest form of sustainability

    Durability is an under-appreciated part of the sustainability equation, but makes a difference in the environmental impact of a product. Did you know that it takes 4X as many competitive pads to strip a floor efficiently, compared to a 3M brand stripping pad?* 3M floor pads need to be replaced less often, resulting in fewer pads in landfills.

  • Recycled meets durable.
    Recycled meets durable.

    Protecting the environment while ensuring your floors get the best care is 3M’s number one goal. That’s why we start with at least 50% post-consumer recycled materials* and then add high performance, water-based latex resins to maximize pad durability and value.

  • Made in the USA. And around the world.
    Made in the USA. And around the world.

    The majority of 3M pads sold in the USA are also made in the USA, with an exception of a few that are manufactured in Canada and France. 3M has made it a goal to localize our supply chains, source raw materials and make products in plants closer to our customers, which means less energy is consumed when moving our products all over the world.

Biodegradability Third Party Testing
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See how 3M™ Floor Pad products provide the surest form of sustainability and durability in the commercial cleaning industry
3M地板百洁垫荣获“Green Seal”环保创新认证
3M™地板百洁垫符合“Green Seal”组织的GS-20环保创新相关标准
  • 3M™地板百洁垫经久耐用,可帮助物业管理人员减少地板护理产生的垃圾,实现可持续发展目标,符合GS-20标准下的“Green Seal”环保创新相关标准,该环保创新标准旨在表彰通过产品创新显著降低对环境影响的产品。

    阅读新闻稿 (PDF, 514 KB)

3M地板百洁垫荣获“Green Seal”环保创新认证

以下3M™地板百洁垫获得了GS-20标准下的"Green Seal"组织环保创新认证,其设计显著提高了百洁垫的性能、耐用性或两者兼备,延长了百洁垫的使用寿命,并减少了固体废物的产生。

  • photo of 3M Black Strippder Pad 7200 Black stripper pad 7200
    3M™ 7200黑色起蜡垫
  • photo of 3M High Productivity Pad 7300 Hi Pro pad 7300
    3M™ 7300高性能起蜡垫
  • Photo of 3M Scotch Brite Surface Preparation Pad Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pad
    思高™ SPP 专业补蜡垫
  • Photo of Scotch-Brite Surface Preparation Pad Plus Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pad Plus
    思高™ 加厚型SPP 专业补蜡垫
  • photo of 3M Blue Cleaner Pad 5300 Blue Cleaner Pad 5300
    3M™ 5300蓝色清洁垫
  • photo of Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine Pad Scotch-Brite Clean and Shine Pad
    思高™ 清洁抛光二合一百洁垫
  • Photo of Scotch-Brite Purple Diamond Floor Pad Plus Purple Diamond Floor Pad Plus
    思高™ 紫色钻石百洁垫
  • Photo of 3M Sky Blue Hi-Performance Burnish Pad 3050
    3M™ 3050天蓝色软蜡高速抛光垫
  • 3M™ TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000
    3M™ 5000 绿色自动洗地机专用垫
  • 3M™ Red Buffer Pad 5100
    3M™ 5100 红色清洁垫
Longer-lasting floor pads need to be replaced less often. It takes 4 times as many competitive pads to strip a floor compared to a 3M brand stripping pad.
  • 查看不同之处。





4x more efficient: longer-lasting floor pads need to be replaced less often. It takes 4 times as many competitive pads to strip a floor compared to a 3M brand stripping pad.

